Congrats to the Parliamentary Procedure and Conduct of Chapter Meetings teams! They competed in team events yesterday at Greenville. Both teams will be moving on to districts! Special congrats to Levi as 1st place chairman and Jack as 5th place floor member! 🔵🟡 #NOKOPROUD
13 days ago, Rachelle McDowell
Track and Field Team Gear- Orders are due by Sunday, February 16th
13 days ago, Lindsey DeFevers
Track and field team gear 2025
IESA 8-2A Regional - This Thursday in Morrisonville at 6pm our 8th grade boys' team will play Winchester for the championship! Let's pack the place! Go Braves! 🏀🔴⚫️ #NOKOPROUD
13 days ago, Lindsey DeFevers
Nokomis CUSD 22 let's show our support for mental health awareness tomorrow, Wednesday, February 5th. Wear your green! #NOKOPROUD
14 days ago, Ms. Harrison
ATTENTION: HS Girls' game tonight vs Brownstown will only have 2 quarters of JV starting at 6pm, so the Varsity game will start earlier. 🏀🔴⚫️ #NOKOPROUD
14 days ago, Lindsey DeFevers
FEB 4 HS GBB JV 2 Quarters
It is National School Counselor Week! We are so very thankful for Mrs. DeWerff and Ms. Harrison! #NOKOPROUD
14 days ago, Rachelle McDowell
Congratulations to the NJHS/NHS January Students of the Month! #NOKOPROUD
14 days ago, Rachelle McDowell
North Elementary students have enjoyed the kick off of National School Counselors Week! #NOKOPROUD
14 days ago, Ms. Harrison
Counselor Week
Congratulations to the JH/HS CKH January/Respect Winners! Each month teachers/students nominate students and faculty that best demonstrate the CKH theme of the month. During the month of January, classes focused on Respect during their CKH Character Education lessons. Respect is the willingness and ability to act professionally and thoughtfully with ourselves and others. These leaders can deal respectfully with opposition and provide space for both dignity and differences to coexist. Congrats to Mrs. Doyen, Ms. Bryant, Cy, Kaitlyn, Lyla, Chloe, Jager, Jeffrey, Cole, Hunter, Layne, Caleb, Rowan, Tyler, Ilexia, Hailey, Mrs. O'Malley, and Daryl! 💙 #NOKOPROUD
14 days ago, Rachelle McDowell
Check out this bulletin board that is displayed in the JH thanks to Mrs. O'Malley! 28 days in February = 28 ways to love yourself! ❤️ #NOKOPROUD
14 days ago, Rachelle McDowell
Kindness Month is in full swing at North Elementary! All classes, Pre-K through 5th grade ,will draw a kindness challenge each day. Ask your student what their challenge for each day is! We are also excited to invite family to submit notes for our student's Kindness Envelopes. All student's Pre-K through 5th, as well as staff have envelopes for kind messages to be shared throughout the month of February. Help us spread kindness! #NOKOPROUD
14 days ago, Ms. Harrison
Parent Ltr
Kindness Jar
Congratulation to North Elementary's January Students of The Month. These students were recognized for displaying respect in their words and actions. #NOKOPROUD
14 days ago, Ms. Harrison
JH Parents and Students - Check out these upcoming assessment dates. A letter will be mailed home this week with more details. #NOKOPROUD
15 days ago, Rachelle McDowell
2025 Pana 7th Grade Volleyball Tournament- Saturday, February 8th the girls' volleyball team will travel to Pana. The first game will be at 9:30am vs Hillsboro. Games will run ahead if possible. Admissions is $5 for Adults and $4 for k-12 students and Senior Citizens. Good luck ladies! 🏐🔴⚫️ #NOKOPROUD
15 days ago, Lindsey DeFevers
25 7th grade pana vb tourney
IESA 8-2A Regional: The 8th grade boys' team will continue on in the regional to play Morrisonville at Morrisonville Tuesday, 2/4 at 6pm. 🏀🔴⚫️ #NOKOPROUD
15 days ago, Lindsey DeFevers
Congratulations to Head Boys' Basketball Coach Dan DeWerff! Saturday night the boys' team defeated Raymond-Lincolnwood giving him his career 200th win. Coach DeWerff has built his career coaching at Pawnee (70 wins), West Frankfort (44 wins) and Nokomis (86 wins). Good luck the rest of the season Coach DeWerff and team!🏀🔴⚫️ #NOKOPROUD
15 days ago, Lindsey DeFevers
DeWerff 200 wins
Sports Update: February 3rd-8th 🏀🏐🔴⚫️ #NOKOPROUD
15 days ago, Lindsey DeFevers
sports update FEB 3-8
Nokomis CUSD 22 kicks off National School Counselor Week Today! We challenge you to be the rainbow in someone's cloud! Take time to make someone smile today! #NOKOPROUD
15 days ago, Ms. Harrison
SC week 2025
JH/HS students will focus on Kindness during their Character Education/Advocacy classes this month! Check out the Kindness resource for parents from Capturing Kids' Hearts! 💙 #BETTERTOGETHER #iHeartCKH #NOKOPROUD
15 days ago, Rachelle McDowell
50th Annual Lady Hawk Invitational Tournament- UPDATE- HS Girls' Varsity Basketball team will be heading back to Carrollton this Saturday, 2/1 to play Carrollton at 5pm for the 3rd place game. Let's GOOOO!!!!! 🏀🔴⚫️ #NOKOPROUD
18 days ago, Lindsey DeFevers
25 Carrollton Lady Hawk Invite 3rd place game