The Girls JV/V Basketball game has been rescheduled for this Saturday at 1:00pm at CHBC.

Due to weather and road conditions all games and practices are cancelled today. #NOKOPROUD

Due to icy road conditions, all Nokomis Schools are closed today, Thursday, February 6, 2020. Please stay safe!

The 8th Grade Boys Regional Championship game has been rescheduled. It will be this Saturday morning at 10:00am. It will be played at the High School in Moweaqua. #NOKOPROUD

Rachel, from Nokomis City Hall, helped NHS students register to vote today. 🇺🇸 🗳 #NOKOPROUD

NHS students traveled to LLCC yesterday to participate in the Academic Challenge. Winners will be announced soon. #NOKOPROUD

Due to the impending weather, especially with freezing rain and sleet later this afternoon, all Nokomis Schools will close at 1:00 p.m. today, Wednesday, February 5, 2020. Please remain safe if you have to be out on the roads this evening.

It’s National School Counseling Week! Thanks to Mrs. DeWerff and Mrs. Harrison for all they do for our students! #NOKOPROUD

The Nokomis boys basketball team traveled to Lincoln tonight. Coach Wallace, Coach Flowers, Coach Kimbro, and Coach Alexander were recognized, along with former players, prior to the game. 🏀 #NOKOPROUD

The NHS Cheerleaders and Cheer Camp participants performed at halftime of the Varsity game tonight! 🔴⚫️ #NOKOPROUD

Thanks to Mrs. West, Ms. Friesland, and Mrs. Satterlee for presenting at our teacher workshops this past week. #NOKOPROUD

Tisha Miller, LLCC Enrollment Operations Coordinator, visited NHS Juniors this morning to discuss the LLCC College Now program. You can contact Mrs. DeWerff for more information at lisadewerff@nokomis.k12.il.us. #NOKOPROUD

Studying Is Snow Big Deal ~ Thanks to the National Honor Society for putting together this bulletin board! #NOKOPROUD

Girls Varsity Basketball will play in the Carrollton Lady Hawks Tournament tomorrow at 9:30am. If they win they will play again at 1:00 PM for the Consolation Championship. #NOKOPROUD

Upcoming events in February

Career day at North
We had an amazing day learning about various careers. North staff would like to give a special thank you to the men and women who took the time to speak to the students. We would also like to thank North teachers, Darci Harrison, Lacy Suslee, and Emily Chumley for their help in marking the day great.

Nokomis CUSD 22 Weekly Events Calendar 2/1/20-2/8/20 #NOKOPROUD

The Redskins will take on Metro East Lutheran tonight. There will be a Cheer Camp performance and we will remember Coach Kimbro’s 201-300 wins. 🔴⚫️ #NOKOPROUD

Please see the attached bracket for the updated Girls Basketball schedule in the Lady Hawk Invitational in Carrollton. #NOKOPROUD

Congratulations to our Redskins!! They defeated Lincolnwood 31-30 tonight to win the Morrisonville Tournament for the 27th time. Congrats to Alex Tosetti for being named to the all-tournament team and to Carter Sabol for being named MVP of the tournament! 🔴⚫️🏀 #NOKOPROUD